
Ash-free Ashley Weight Management Q&A with Grace

May 28, 2024
4 min
Welcome to my blog, Ash-free Ashley. I'm Ashley, the voice behind this blog and, hopefully, the voice that will inspire smokers to quit cigarettes or even transition to smoke-free alternatives! Today, I'm chatting with my good friend Grace about her journey of quitting smoking and tackling the weight gain that comes with it. Grace, thanks for gracing us with your presence today!

Grace: Hey, Ashley – Thanks for the cheesy intro! Hi everyone; I'm excited to share my story. It’s wonderful to see what you aspire to do with this blog, Ash. And I'm happy to contribute what I can to be part of this memorable milestone!

Ashley: Aww, well thanks, Grace. I appreciate your support. I hope your story encourages others not to give up in their endeavour to quit smoking! So, let’s start from the top: What made you decide to quit smoking in the first place?

Grace: Turning 35 was a huge wake-up call for me. I’m calling it a “pre-mid-life crisis.” I reflected on how I lived, all the music festivals, partying, and, of course, smoking during these social activities. I saw the impact on my body — constant coughing and shortness of breath. My stamina could not even handle a flight of stairs, and that was worrying for someone my age! My parents were not happy with my lifestyle at all. Plus, my mum had just completed a 5k marathon not that long ago. The irony!

Ashley: That's a powerful motivator. And I’m glad your mum sparked something in you as well. Now, where did the concern for weight gain kick in?

Grace: Well, everyone knows smoking is bad. So every time I attempted to quit (which usually was part of a New Year’s resolution), even during my late 20’s, I'd gain weight. The nasty ritual of smoking pulled me back in because I wanted to live like a sexy Parisian who only smoked for lunch while sipping wine. My feelings were conflicted, and I felt like I was trading one problem for another.

Ashley: I totally get you. What girl doesn’t want to live like Amelie Poulain, right? Tell me, when you finally quit, what were those struggles like?

Grace: For one, my cravings were off the charts. I was irritable and couldn't focus at work. My routine was out of whack, and my relationships became strained because I was so argumentative.  Actually, if we had a bit of a disagreement during that time, I’m truly sorry I lashed out at you! I just needed a cheesecake really badly.

Ashley: Ha! It’s alright – I imagine it must be an uphill battle for you, physically and mentally. Can you tell me a little more about weight gain issues?

Grace: Yup. Without cigarettes, I started snacking more to fill the void. It was like my body was trying to find a new comfort. The Japanese have this cute term called “kuchisabishii,” which directly translates to “lonely mouth,” and I got it bad!

Ashley: I think a time-lock on snack containers could come in handy in this case! Speaking of which, what coping strategies did you use for nicotine withdrawal?

Grace: I went for the obvious choices first. Nicotine patches and gum were lifesavers. I also did deep breathing from YouTube tutorial videos and kept my hands busy with hobbies like knitting and puzzles. The trick is to keep yourself occupied. Think of when you could not stop chewing your pencil in school. Steps to stop that old habit could be useful here, too.

Ashley: Those are great ideas! And did these help manage your weight, too?

Grace: Definitely. The nicotine alternatives curbed cravings, and distractions stopped me from mindless eating. Personally, while chewing nicotine gum, I would do a sudoku puzzle, and the craving stopped. Of course, everyone would have to try different activities to find their personal kill switch for their cigarette cravings.

Ashley: I agree. Just because something works for someone doesn’t mean it would work for everyone. So just one more thing from me: Any words of encouragement for others on this journey?

Grace: Absolutely. You can do it! You can try different ideas from this website I found. Be patient with yourself and celebrate every small victory. Find a buddy, or, if you don’t have one, read Ashley’s blog like she’s your pen pal. The journey is tough, but the rewards are worth it.  

Ashley: Wise words, Grace! Thanks for sharing your story with us today. And to all you readers out there, remember – you’re not alone. Stay strong, stay smoke-free, and we’ll catch you in the next Ash-free post.